Save money with rebate and incentive programs

Electric vehicles and transit   

  • Free Amtrak Cascades travel for youth under 18: Washington state offers free Amtrak Cascades travel for youth within Washington state borders. Funding comes from the Climate Commitment Act. Visit or call 1-800-USA-RAIL.
  • New electric, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles: Save up to $7,500 with the Clean Vehicle Credit.
  • Coming soon: The Washington State Department of Transportation is designing a program to offer rebates up to $1,200 for e-bike purchases. Funding comes from the Climate Commitment Act.

Home heating, cooling and energy-efficiency

  • Heat pumps and weatherization: Federal tax credit of up to 30% (limit of $1,500 for certain energy efficient improvements, limit of $2,000 for heat pump purchase and installation).
  • Energy efficiency upgrades such as electric panel upgrades, windows, exterior doors and insulation materials: Federal tax credits up to 30% (limits vary depending on the upgrade).
  • Weatherization services, heat pumps, and energy bill assistance for low-income households: Contact your local utility for information, or contact the local weatherization agency listed by the state Department of Commerce. 
  • Energy-efficient appliance upgrades: Look for ENERGY STAR offers or contact your local utility.
  • Now through September 15, 2024: Low-to-medium income households will receive a $200 rebate from their electric utility company as part of the Washington Families Clean Energy Credit program. Customers may see the credit show up automatically, or they may have to apply. Visit to see if you qualify. The program ends September 15, 2024. Funding comes from the Climate Commitment Act.

Renewable energy incentives

  • Renewable energy storage: Federal tax rebates up to 30% for purchase and installation of renewable energy generation and battery storage equipment.

Visit the Energy Savings Hub for more information regarding federal tax rebates and incentives.